Dan Siegel moved to Phoenix in 1995 to study trigger point therapy, the practice that provided relief and healing from his athletic injuries, which included a fractured lumbar vertebrae. He credits his recovery to the many talented healers and deep-tissue therapists he was privileged to study and work with at Biolink in Tempe, AZ, along with the many yoga and tai chi teachers who practice in Arizona.
He practiced as a trigger point therapist and fitness trainer for ten years before opening Peak Performance Personal Training in Phoenix, where he has helped hundreds of individuals develop greater power and athleticism, recover from injuries, and avoid surgery.
In 2006 Dan began a one-and-a-half year battle with cancer that once again left his body wrecked. Ten years after a stem cell transplant and cured of cancer, he now views his past illness and injuries as his greatest teachers, learning opportunities which made him a more effective trainer and bodyworker; learning opportunities which inspired him to create better muscle-therapy tools. Realizing that he'll only be able to practice trigger point therapy for another three or four-hundred years, his mission is to provide the strategies and the tools you need to become your own most powerful healer.
Dan Siegel, fitness trainer and trigger-point therapist, founder of Peak Performance Personal Training, and Precision Muscle Therapy, LLC